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What are Beebombs? 

Seedballs or seedbombs have been used for thousands of years as a natural farming technique and were 're-discovered' by Masanobu Fukuoka, a Japanese government plant scientist who is the forefather of modern natural farming techniques and was an inspirational writer and philosopher on the subject of natural farming. 

We use the Fukuoka method for making our Beebombs which is universally accepted as the most effective and ethical process.

What is in Beebombs? 

Each pack of Beebombs contains hundreds of seeds and 18 species of wildflowers. The seeds are mixed with clay powder and locally sourced, unfortified soil. The clay supports and protects the seeds whilst they germinate and spreads them as it breaks down under watering. 

Seedballs are an ancient method of farming that is less destructive to the wildlife buried in your garden, less labour intensive and increases germination rates. Used throughout the world for hundreds of years, we are now using this ingenious method to help #bringthebeesback


Beebombs are designed to ensure creating a diverse and thriving wildflower meadow, could not be easier. 

Wildflower Bee Bombs need no gardening skill, no tilling or sowing in the traditional sense. Just throw your Bee Bombs onto cleared soil and await the blossom of colour and return of native bee and butterfly species. 

I tend to say 'cleared soil' as wildflowers are slow growers compared to grasses and perennial weeds. This means that they can be out-competed at the critical early stages. 

In terms of coverage, one pack of Beebombs covers 21 square foot or 2 square meters. 


Bee Bombs can be scattered throughout the year, the clay protects them until they are ready to germinate. There are diverse opinions on this around the world and many say spring and autumn are particularly good times to start them growing. From experience, it doesn't seem to make a lot of difference in the long run, although I am still testing. 

Around 20% will start flowering in the first year. Biennials and Perennials in the mix will start blossoming in the 2nd year. 

Beebombs wildflower seeds

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